I know, I know, I'm 3 days late, but hey, I got other things to do. ...Well, maybe not, but I get distracted easily.
Either way, this year was my first time or at least, the first time I actually noticed. And since I had an account. At first I was confused, not quite getting that it was a day made for spam and actually attempted to blam some things. Heh, silly me.
Eventually, I caught on, being the quick learner that I am, and voted 5 on everything, like a good little lemming. Now, as I said in my last post, I'm not a fan of spamming crews, but Clock Day is a good example of 'if you can't beat them, join them.' Which I did and I must say, I cashed in on Save points. Even went up a rank. Which will make blamming spam outside of 'spam days' even easier. So spammers, beware.
But anyway, that's my view on spam d- sorry, 'Clock day'. Traditions are fun, hm?